One Simple Example To Understand Pointers In Go

Pointers in Go are variables that store the memory address of another variable. They are used to indirectly refer to a value rather than holding the value itself. Here’s a breakdown of pointers in Go:

  1. Pointer Declaration: Pointers are declared using the * symbol followed by the type of the variable it points to. For example, var ptr *int declares a pointer ptr that can point to an integer variable.

  2. Zero Value: If a pointer is declared without initialization, its zero value is nil. This means it does not point to any memory address.

  3. Address of Operator (&): The address of operator & is used to find the memory address of a variable. For example, &variable returns the memory address of variable.

  4. Dereferencing Operator (*): The dereferencing operator * is used to access the value stored at the memory address pointed to by a pointer. For example, *ptr accesses the value pointed to by the pointer ptr.

  5. Pointer Assignment: Pointers can be assigned the memory address of a variable using the address of operator. For example, ptr = &variable assigns the memory address of variable to the pointer ptr.

  6. Pointer Arithmetic: Go does not support pointer arithmetic like some other languages (e.g., C/C++). Operations like adding or subtracting integers from pointers are not allowed in Go.

  7. Pointer Usage: Pointers are commonly used to pass references to data structures between functions without making a copy of the data, which can be more efficient for large data structures. They are also used to modify the value of a variable indirectly.

  8. Memory Management: In Go, memory management is handled by the garbage collector. Pointers can be used safely without worrying about manual memory allocation and deallocation, as in languages like C/C++.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of pointers in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var num int = 42
    var ptr *int // declaring a pointer to an integer

    fmt.Println("Value of pointer before assignment:", ptr)
    ptr = &num // assigning the memory address of num to ptr
    fmt.Println("Value of pointer after assignment:", ptr)

    fmt.Println("Value of num:", num)
    fmt.Println("Value of num through pointer:", *ptr)

    *ptr = 100 // modifying the value of num indirectly through pointer

    fmt.Println("Value of num after modification through pointer:", num)

Value of pointer before assignment: <nil>
Value of pointer after assignment: 0x1400009c018
Value of num: 42
Value of num through pointer: 42
Value of num after modification through pointer: 100